Linux atril pdf prints blank pages


Provided by: atril_1.20.1-2ubuntu2_amd64


Atril - The MATE Document Viewer


atril [OPTIONS. ] [FILES. ] 


Atril is the official Document Viewer of the MATE Desktop Environment, it is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI, XPS and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. When supported by the document, it also allows searching for text, copying text to the clipboard, hypertext navigation, and table-of-contents bookmarks. This manual page briefly documents the atril command.


filename(s). Specifies the file to open when atril starts. If this is not specified, atril will start with a blank window and you may open a file from the menu or by using the shortcut CTRL+O. Multiple files can be loaded if they are separated by spaces. atril also supports handling of remote files. -p, --page-label=PAGE Here you can specify a page label, this page will be selected in the document if it exists. -i, --page-index=NUMBER Here you can specify a page number, this page will be selected in the document if it exists. -f, --fullscreen Start atril in fullscreen mode. You must specify a document to start in fullscreen mode. -s, --presentation Start atril in presentation mode. You must specify a document to start in presentation mode. -w, --preview Start atril in preview mode. You must specify a document to start in preview mode. --display=DISPLAY X display to use. --version Output version information and exit. -?, -h, --help Print standard command line options. --help-all Print all command line options. This program also accepts the standard GTK options.


atril --preview ~/Desktop/ Open from the current users desktop, in preview mode. atril -i 2 -s ./document.pdf Open document.pdf from the current working directory, on page 2 in presentation mode.



This Man Page has been written for the MATE Desktop Environment by: Adam Erdman> (2014)