CACI No. 4320. Affirmative Defense - Implied Warranty of Habitability

Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


4320 . Af firmative Defense - Implied W arranty of Habitability

[ Name of defendant ] claims that [he/she/ nonbinary pr onoun ] does not owe

[any/the full amount of] rent because [ name of plaintiff ] did not maintain

the property in a habitable condition. T o succeed on this defense, [ name

of defendant ] must prove that [ name of plaintiff ] failed to pr ovide one or

more of the following:

a. [ef fective waterproofing and weather protection of roof and

exterior walls, including unbroken windows and doors][./; or]

b. [plumbing or gas facilities that complied with applicable law in

ef fect at the time of installation and that were maintained in good

working order][./; or]

c. [a water supply capable of producing hot and cold running water

furnished to appropriate fixtures, and connected to a sewage

disposal system][./; or]

d. [heating facilities that complied with applicable law in ef fect at

the time of installation and that were maintained in good working

e. [electrical lighting with wiring and electrical equipment that

complied with applicable law in ef fect at the time of installation

and that were maintained in good working order][./; or]

f. [building, grounds, and all areas of the landlord’s control, kept in

every part clean, sanitary, and free from all accumulations of

debris, filth, rubbish, garbage, rodents, and vermin][./; or]

g. [an adequate number of containers for garbage and rubbish, in

clean condition and good repair][./; or]

h. [floors, stairways, and railings maintained in good

i. [ Insert other applicable standard relating to habitability .]

[ Name of plaintiff ]’ s failure to meet these r equirements does not

necessarily mean that the property was not habitable. The failure must

be substantial. A condition that occurred only after [ name of defendant ]

failed or r efused to pay rent and was served with a notice to pay r ent or

vacate the property cannot be a defense to the pr evious nonpayment.

[Even if [ name of defendant ] proves that [ name of plaintiff ] substantially

failed to meet any of these requir ements, [ name of defendant ]’ s defense

fails if [ name of plaintiff ] proves that [ name of defendant ] has done any of

the following that contributed substantially to the condition or interfer ed


substantially with [ name of plaintiff ]’ s ability to make the necessary

i. [substantially failed to keep [his/her/ nonbinary pronoun ] living

area as clean and sanitary as the condition of the property

permitted][./; or]

i. [substantially failed to dispose of all rubbish, garbage, and other

waste in a clean and sanitary manner][./; or]

i. [substantially failed to properly use and operate all electrical, gas,

and plumbing fixtures and keep them as clean and sanitary as

their condition permitted][./; or]

i. [intentionally destroyed, defaced, damaged, impaired, or removed

any part of the property, equipment, or accessories, or allowed

others to do so][./; or]

i. [substantially failed to use the property for living, sleeping,

cooking, or dining purposes only as appropriate based on the

design of the property.]]

The fact that [ name of defendant ] has continued to occupy the property

does not necessarily mean that the property is habitable.

New August 2007; Revised June 2010, June 2013, December 2014, November 2020

Directions for Use

This instruction applies only to residential tenancies. (See Code Civ . Proc.,

The habitability standards included are those set forth in Civil Code section 1941.1.

Use only those relevant to the case. Or insert other applicable standards as

appropriate, for example, other statutory or regulatory requirements ( Knight v .

Hallsthammar (1981) 29 Cal.3d 46, 59, fn.10 [171 Cal.Rptr . 707, 623 P .2d 268]; see

Health & Saf. Code, §§ 17920.3, 17920.10) or security measures. (See Secr etary of

Housing & Urban Dev . v . Layfield (1978) 88 Cal.App.3d Supp. 28, 30 [152

Cal.Rptr . 342].)

If the landlord alleges that the implied warranty of habitability does not apply

because of the tenant’ s af f irmative misconduct, select the applicable reasons. The

first two reasons do not apply if the landlord has expressly agreed in writing to

perform those acts. (Civ . Code, § 1941.2(b).)

In a case not involving unlawful detainer and the failure to pay rent, the California

Supreme Court has stated that the warranty of habitability extends only to

conditions of which the landlord knew or should have discovered through

reasonable inspections. (See Peterson v . Superior Court (1995) 10 Cal.4th 1185,

1206 [43 Cal.Rptr .2d 836, 899 P .2d 905].) The law on a landlord’ s notice in the



unlawful detainer context, however , remains unsettled. ( Knight, supra , 29 Cal.3d at

p. 55, fn. 6.) A landlord has a duty to maintain the premises in a habitable condition

irrespective of whether the tenant knows about a particular condition. ( Knight,

supra, 29 Cal.3d at p. 54.)

Sources and Authority

• Landlord’ s Duty to Make Premises Habitable. Civil Code section 1941.

• Breach of W arranty of Habitability . Code of Civil Procedure section 1 174.2.

• Untenantable Dwelling. Civil Code section 1941.1(a).

• Ef fect of T enant’ s V iolations. Civil Code section 1941.2.

• Liability of Landlord Demanding Rent for Uninhabitable Property . Civil Code

section 1942.4(a).

• “Once we recognize that the tenant’ s obligation to pay rent and the landlord’ s

warranty of habitability are mutually dependent, it becomes clear that the

landlord’ s breach of such warranty may be directly relevant to the issue of

possession. If the tenant can prove such a breach by the landlord, he may

demonstrate that his nonpayment of rent was justified and that no rent is in fact

‘due and owing’ to the landlord. Under such circumstances, of course, the

landlord would not be entitled to possession of the premises.” ( Gr een v . Superior

Court (1974) 10 Cal.3d 616, 635 [1 1 1 Cal.Rptr . 704, 517 P .2d 1 168].)

• “W e have concluded that a warranty of habitability is implied by law in

residential leases in this state and that the breach of such a warranty may be

raised as a defense in an unlawful detainer action. Under the implied warranty

which we recognize, a residential landlord covenants that premises he leases for

living quarters will be maintained in a habitable state for the duration of the

lease. This implied warranty of habitability does not require that a landlord

ensure that leased premises are in perfect, aesthetically pleasing condition, but it

does mean that ‘bare living requirements’ must be maintained. In most cases

substantial compliance with those applicable building and housing code

standards which materially af fect health and safety will suf f ice to meet the

landlord’ s obligations under the common law implied warranty of habitability we

now recognize.” ( Gr een, supra, 10 Cal.3d at p. 637, footnotes omitted.)

• “It follows that substantial noncompliance with applicable code standards could

lead to a breach of the warranty of habitability .” ( Erlach v . Sierra Asset

Servicing, LLC (2014) 226 Cal.App.4th 1281, 1298, fn. 9 [173 Cal.Rptr .3d 159].)

• “[U]nder Gr een, a tenant may assert the habitability warranty as a defense in an

unlawful detainer action. The plainti ff, of course, is not required to plead

negative facts to anticipate a defense.” ( De La V ara v . Municipal Court (1979)

98 Cal.App.3d 638, 641 [159 Cal.Rptr . 648], internal citations omitted.)

• “[T]he fact that a tenant was or was not aware of specific defects is not

determinative of the duty of a landlord to maintain premises which are habitable.

The same reasons which imply the existence of the warranty of habitability - the



inequality of bargaining power , the shortage of housing, and the impracticability

of imposing upon tenants a duty of inspection - also compel the conclusion that

a tenant’ s lack of knowledge of defects is not a prerequisite to the landlord’ s

breach of the warranty .” ( Knight, supra, 29 Cal.3d at p. 54.)

• “The implied warranty of habitability recognized in Gr een gives a tenant a

reasonable expectation that the landlord has inspected the rental dwelling and

corrected any defects disclosed by that inspection that would render the dwelling

uninhabitable. The tenant further reasonably can expect that the landlord will

maintain the property in a habitable condition by repairing promptly any

conditions, of which the landlord has actual or constructive notice, that arise

during the tenancy and render the dwelling uninhabitable. A tenant injured by a

defect in the premises, therefore, may bring a negligence action if the landlord

breached its duty to exercise reasonable care. But a tenant cannot reasonably

expect that the landlord will have eliminated defects in a rented dwelling of

which the landlord was unaware and which would not have been disclosed by a

reasonable inspection.” ( Peterson, supra, 10 Cal.4th at pp. 1205-1206, footnotes

• “At least in a situation where, as here, a landlord has notice of alleged

uninhabitable conditions not caused by the tenants themselves, a landlord’ s

breach of the implied warranty of habitability exists whether or not he has had a

‘reasonable’ time to repair . Otherwise, the mutual dependence of a landlord’ s

obligation to maintain habitable premises, and of a tenant’ s duty to pay rent,

would make no sense.” ( Knight, supra, 29 Cal.3d at p. 55, footnote omitted.)

• “[A] tenant may defend an unlawful detainer action against a current owner , at

least with respect to rent currently being claimed due, despite the fact that the

uninhabitable conditions first existed under a former owner .” ( Knight, supra, 29

Cal.3d at p. 57.)

• “W ithout evaluating the propriety of instructing the jury on each item included

in the defendants’ requested instruction, it is clear that, where appropriate under

the facts of a given case, tenants are entitled to instructions based upon relevant

standards set forth in Civil Code section 1941.1 whether or not the ‘repair and

deduct’ remedy has been used.” ( Knight, supra, 29 Cal.3d at p. 58.)

• “The defense of implied warranty of habitability is not applicable to unlawful

detainer actions involving commercial tenancies.” ( Fish Construction Co. v .

Moselle Coach W orks, Inc. (1983) 148 Cal.App.3d 654, 658 [196 Cal.Rptr . 174],

internal citation omitted.)

• “In the event of a landlord’ s breach of the implied warranty of habitability , the

tenant is not absolved of the obligation to pay rent; rather the tenant remains

liable for the reasonable rental value as determined by the court for the period

that the defective condition of the premises existed.” ( Erlach , supra , 226

Cal.App.4th at p. 1297.)

• “In defending against a 30-day notice, the sole purpose of the [breach of the

warranty of habitability] defense is to reduce the amount of daily damages for



the period of time after the notice expires.” ( N. 7th St. Assocs. v . Constante

(2001) 92 Cal.App.4th Supp. 7, 1 1, fn. 1 [1 1 1 Cal.Rptr .2d 815].)

Secondary Sources

12 W itkin, Summary of California Law (1 1th ed. 2017) Real Property , § 651

Friedman et al., California Practice Guide: Landlord-T enant, Ch. 3-A, W arranty Of

Habitability - In General , ¶ 3:1 et seq. (The Rutter Group)

1 California Landlord-T enant Practice (Cont.Ed.Bar 2d ed.) §§ 8.109-8.1 12

2 California Landlord-T enant Practice (Cont.Ed.Bar 2d ed.) §§ 10.64, 12.36-12.37

1 California Eviction Defense Manual (Cont.Ed.Bar 2d ed.) Ch. 15

7 California Real Estate Law and Practice, Ch. 210, Unlawful Detainer , §§ 210.64,

210.95A (Matthew Bender)

29 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 333, Landlor d and T enant:

Eviction Actions , § 333.28 (Matthew Bender)

23 California Points and Authorities, Ch. 236, Unlawful Detainer , § 236.61

(Matthew Bender)

Matthew Bender Practice Guide: California Landlord-T enant Litigation, Ch. 5,

Unlawful Detainer , 5.21

Miller & Starr , California Real Estate 4th, § 19:224 (Thomson Reuters)


Page last reviewed May 2024

Kathryn Robb

Kathryn Robb, National Director of the Children’s Justice Campaign at Enough Abuse, discusses Vice President Kamala Harris’s unusual mention of child sexual abuse during her Democratic National Convention speech and its broader implications for addressing this issue in America.

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