College staff pay

UNISON is the leading union for support staff in further education colleges, and the only recognised union in sixth forms.

Nationally and locally we campaign on improving pay, including introducing the living wage for the lowest paid college workers, and tackling the gender pay gap.

How do pay negotiations work?

In England, pay for staff in further education is negotiated between the FE unions and the Association of Colleges (AoC) in the national joint forum (NJF). UNISON is represented on the NJF by staff working in colleges.

The result of the national negotiations is a pay recommendation which individual colleges use as a benchmark to set their own pay rates. UNISON firmly believes that national bargaining should result in a pay offer that colleges are obliged to implement.

Pay in Further Education in England has reached crisis point. For over a decade pay has failed to keep pace with the rate of inflation leaving staff with 35% less spending power than they had in 2010.

Pay in England

On the 27 March 2024, the joint trade unions submitted the 2024/25 pay claim calling for:

UNISON met the AoC on 20 May 2024, for this year’s pay negotiations. The AoC refused to make a pay recommendation, stating that they would press the government for further funding for pay.

Last year, the sector was given a further £285m for pay by the government, which the Secretary of State declared was to be used to support recruitment and retention in the sector.

Pay in Wales

A pay claim was submitted to employers on the 9 May 2024 for 2024/2025 calling for a pay rise equivalent to school teachers to be awarded to all staff in Further Education and for all staff affected by changes in real Living Wage rates to have these rates implemented following the announcement of the rise in October 2024.

Pay in Scotland

Following industrial action in 2022 and 2024, Colleges Scotland have now offered a 3 year pay deal:

The offer also includes no compulsory redundancies between 01 September 2022 and 31 August 2024, and the following commitments:

Members are currently being consulted on this offer until 30 May 2024.

Further details on pay negotiations in Scotland can be found on this page –

In Northern Ireland the employers’ representative, Colleges Northern Ireland, was disbanded in June 2018.

Sixth form college pay

Sixth Form Colleges Pay 2023/24

Following consultation with UNISON members working in sixth form colleges, UNISON has agreed to accept the SFCA pay offer for 2023/24. The headlines of the award are:

The joint circular with full details of the settlement along with the revised pay spine can be found here.

The NJC will have further meetings to look at the other issues raised by the trade union side at the earliest opportunity.

Term time working and holiday pay

UNISON secured a victory in a Court of Appeal case in summer 2019 which ruled that all employees are entitled to statutory minimum of 28 days paid annual leave even if they do not work for part of the year or work irregular hours. The judgment also confirmed that this should be paid at the rate of a week’s pay (and if this is irregular, then the average over the previous 12 weeks). If you’re unsure about how your college has calculated your holiday pay, your UNISON rep can help.


England FE pay claim 2022

AoC Response to the Trade Union 2021/22 Pay Claim

Scottish FE Pay Claim 2021

14 September 2021

Pay and conditions claim for support staff in scope of the NJNC in Scottish FE colleges. Submitted by UNISON, Unite and GMB

Pay calculator for FE members in England

3 November 2020 Check how much your pay has fallen behind over the last 10 years

Further Education England Joint Trade Unions 2020/21 Claim

Joint Trade Unions 2019/20 Pay Claim (England)

Negotiating advice for college staff – Job Evaluation, Grading Structures and Equal Pay

3 August 2017

Job evaluation guidance for further education, including legal advice on achieving equal pay Updated October 2012

FE – Analysing the Gender Pay Gap Toolkit

3 August 2017

Joint union framework for colleges to use when investigating
potential gender pay gaps and developing sustainable strategies to remedy
identified gaps.