CACI No. 1003. Unsafe Conditions

Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


1003 . Unsafe Conditions

[ Name of defendant ] was negligent in the use or maintenance of the

property if:

1 . A condition on the property created an unreasonable risk of

2. [ Name of defendant ] knew or, through the exercise of reasonable

care, should have known about it; and

3. [ Name of defendant ] failed to repair the condition, protect against

harm from the condition, or give adequate warning of the

New September 2003; Revised April 2007, October 2008

Directions for Use

Read this instruction with CACI No. 1000, Pr emises Liability - Essential Factual

Elements, in a premises liability case involving an unsafe condition on property . If

there is an issue as to the owner ’ s constructive knowledge of the condition (element

2), also give CACI No. 101 1, Constructive Notice Regar ding Danger ous Conditions

on Pr operty .

Sources and Authority

• “Where the occupier of land is aware of a concealed condition involving in the

absence of precautions an unreasonable risk of harm to those coming in contact

with it and is aware that a person on the premises is about to come in contact

with it, the trier of fact can reasonably conclude that a failure to warn or to

repair the condition constitutes negligence. Whether or not a guest has a right to

expect that his host will remedy dangerous conditions on his account, he should

reasonably be entitled to rely upon a warning of the dangerous condition so that

he, like the host, will be in a position to take special precautions when he comes

in contact with it.” ( Rowland v . Christian (1968) 69 Cal.2d 108, 119 [70

Cal.Rptr . 97, 443 P .2d 561].)

• “ ‘[T]he proprietor of a store who knows of, or by the exercise of reasonable

care could discover , an artificial condition upon his premises which he should

foresee exposes his business visitors to an unreasonable risk, and who has no

basis for believing that they will discover the condition or realize the risk

involved, is under a duty to exercise ordinary care either to make the condition

reasonably safe for their use or to give a warning adequate to enable them to

avoid the harm. . . .’ [Plaintif f] was entitled to have the jury so instructed.”

( W illiams v . Carl Kar cher Enters., Inc. (1986) 182 Cal.App.3d 479, 488 [227

Cal.Rptr . 465], internal citations omitted, disapproved on other grounds in Soule


v . GM Corp. (1994) 8 Cal.4th 548, 574, 580 [34 Cal.Rptr .2d 607, 882 P .2d

• “Because the owner is not the insurer of the visitor ’ s personal safety , the owner ’ s

actual or constructive knowledge of the dangerous condition is a key to

establishing its liability . Although the owner ’ s lack of knowledge is not a

defense, ‘[t]o impose liability for injuries suf fered by an invitee due to [a]

defective condition of the premises, the owner or occupier “must have either

actual or constructive knowledge of the dangerous condition or have been able

by the exercise of ordinary care to discover the condition, which if known to

him, he should realize as involving an unreasonable risk to invitees on his

premises. . . .” ’ ” ( Ortega v . Kmart Corp. (2001) 26 Cal.4th 1200, 1206 [1 14

Cal.Rptr .2d 470, 36 P .3d 1 1], internal citation omitted.)

• “By inviting the public to its store, an owner or possessor has the duty ‘to

exercise ordinary care and prudence to keep the aisles and passageways of the

premises in and through which, by their location and arrangement, a customer in

making purchases is induced to go, in a reasonably safe condition so as not

unnecessarily to expose the customer to danger or accident.’ ” ( Hassaine v . Club

Demonstration Services, Inc. (2022) 77 Cal.App.5th 843, 852 [293 Cal.Rptr .3d

20], internal citation omitted.)

• “Where the dangerous or defective condition of the property which causes the

injury has been created by reason of the negligence of the owner of the property

or his employee acting within the scope of the employment, the owner of the

property cannot be permitted to assert that he had no notice or knowledge of the

defective or dangerous condition in an action by an invitee for injuries suf fered

by reason of the dangerous condition. Under such circumstances knowledge

thereof is imputed to him. Where the dangerous condition is brought about by

natural wear and tear , or third persons, or acts of God or by other causes which

are not due to the negligence of the owner , or his employees, then to impose

liability the owner must have either actual or constructive knowledge of the

dangerous condition or have been able by the exercise of ordinary care to

discover the condition, which if known to him, he should realize as involving an

unreasonable risk to invitees on his premises. His negligence in such cases is

founded upon his failure to exercise ordinary care in remedying the defect after

he has discovered it or as a man of ordinary prudence should have discovered

it.” ( Hatfield v . Levy Bros. (1941) 18 Cal.2d 798, 806 [1 17 P .2d 841], internal

citation omitted.)

• “Generally speaking, a property owner must have actual or constructive

knowledge of a dangerous condition before liability will be imposed. In the

ordinary slip-and-fall case, . . . the cause of the dangerous condition is not

necessarily linked to an employee. Consequently , there is no issue of respondeat

superior . Where, however , ‘the evidence is such that a reasonable inference can

be drawn that the condition was created by employees of the [defendant], then

[the defendant] is charged with notice of the dangerous condition.’ ” ( Getchell v .



Rogers Jewelry (2012) 203 Cal.App.4th 381, 385 [136 Cal.Rptr .3d 641], internal

citation omitted.)

• “[U]nder current California law , a store owner ’ s choice of a particular ‘mode of

operation’ does not eliminate a slip-and-fall plaintif f’ s burden of proving the

owner had knowledge of the dangerous condition that caused the accident.

Moreover , it would not be prudent to hold otherwise. W ithout this knowledge

requirement, certain store owners would essentially incur strict liability for slip-

and-fall injuries, i.e., they would be insurers of the safety of their patrons. For

example, whether the french fry was dropped 10 seconds or 10 hours before the

accident would be of no consequence to the liability finding. However , this is

not to say that a store owner ’ s business choices do not impact the negligence

analysis. If the store owner ’ s practices create a higher risk that dangerous

conditions will exist, ordinary care will require a corresponding increase in

precautions.” ( Moor e v . W al-Mart Stor es, Inc. (2003) 1 1 1 Cal.App.4th 472, 479

[3 Cal.Rptr . 3d 813].)

• “Although liability might easily be found where the landowner has actual

knowledge of the dangerous condition, ‘[the] landowner ’ s lack of knowledge of

the dangerous condition is not a defense. He has an af firmative duty to exercise

ordinary care to keep the premises in a reasonably safe condition, and therefore

must inspect them or take other proper means to ascertain their condition. And

if, by the exercise of reasonable care, he would have discovered the dangerous

condition, he is liable.’ ” ( Swanberg v . O’Mectin (1984) 157 Cal.App.3d 325,

330 [203 Cal.Rptr . 701], internal citation omitted.)

• “[A] real estate agent has a duty to notify visitors of marketed property of

concealed dangerous conditions of which the agent has actual or constructive

knowledge. The agent’ s actual or constructive knowledge of a dangerous

condition is imputed to his or her principal, the property owner , who shares with

the agent liability for damages proximately caused by a breach of this duty .”

( Hall v . Rockcliff Realtors (2013) 215 Cal.App.4th 1134, 1 141 [155 Cal.Rptr .3d

Secondary Sources

6 W itkin, Summary of California Law (1 1th ed. 2017) T orts, §§ 1261-1265

1 Levy et al., California T orts, Ch. 15, General Premises Liability , § 15.04

(Matthew Bender)

6 California Real Estate Law and Practice, Ch. 170, The Pr emises: Duties and

Liabilities , § 170.02 (Matthew Bender)

1 1 California Real Estate Law and Practice, Ch. 381, T ort Liability of Pr operty

Owners , § 381.20 (Matthew Bender)

29 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 334, Landlor d and T enant:

Claims for Damages , §§ 334.10, 334.51 (Matthew Bender)

36 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 421, Pr emises Liability , § 421.14

(Matthew Bender)



17 California Points and Authorities, Ch. 178, Pr emises Liability , § 178.23 et seq.

(Matthew Bender)

California Civil Practice: T orts § 16:4 (Thomson Reuters)


Page last reviewed May 2024

Kathryn Robb

Kathryn Robb, National Director of the Children’s Justice Campaign at Enough Abuse, discusses Vice President Kamala Harris’s unusual mention of child sexual abuse during her Democratic National Convention speech and its broader implications for addressing this issue in America.

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